Submissions & Corrections

This database collects only slurs denoting race, ethnicity, religion or country of origin. No slurs related
to gender or sexuality will be accepted. Please make sure that your submission meets our requirements.
(Note: "homosexual" does not define a racial or ethnic group.)

All submissions are verified and edited by a dedicated team of volunteers. Feel free to include citations,
URLs, notes to the staff or any other information that may be pertinent to your submission.
Denotes this race, religion or ethnicity.
Enter in the racial, religious or ethnic group that this slur represents. If it represents multiple races, religions or ethnicities, separate them with commas.
Explain how the slur came to exist, the history of its usage, the meaning of the slur and any other useful details. No slur is self-explanatory. Please make descriptions as neutral as possible.
Provide a sample sentence in which the slur is properly used.
Provide a list of slurs you think should be associated with this slur. Separate the slurs with commas.
Click here to record a pronunciation.

Your browser must have JavaScript enabled and the Adobe Flash Player installed.

If your computer has a microphone, you can provide an audio pronunciation by using the provided widget. Please make sure you are in a quiet room and you speak slowly and clearly.
If you'd like corrections, slurs, or pronunciations attributed to you, provide a name or nickname.
This optional field is for anonymous statistic gathering only. It will allow us to make some pretty infographics some day.
We only ask for your e-mail address in case we have questions. It is not saved after your submission is moderated.